Cottage «Oazys», Kolomyya. Cottage «Oazys» in Kolomyya. Cottage «Oazys» on the map of Kolomyya. Photo, map, prices.
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Cottage "Oazys"

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Cottage "Oazys"

On the bank of the Prut River in Coloma is a cozy and quiet, private pension Oasis. The hotel has available five Double rooms, dining room, kitchen, and the original stone hut, where you can taste different dishes Carpathian cuisine cooked on an open fire. Coloma - a city in Ivano-Frankivsk region, on the River Prut. Coloma - major center of Ukrainian folk art in the city are 12 architectural monuments of local and national importance: "Monastyrok" (This church) in 1587, double-tiered bell tower (18 century), Greek-Catholic church sv.Mariyi (1775) , St Andrew's Cathedral. Michael (1855-1873 year) High School (1875-1901 year)


Type Cottage
Prices from 23,00 USD


Street Ковцуняка / Kovtsukyaka
Building 1b
Mobile +38-099-151-90-98
Mobile +38-093-305-36-68
Attractions Mountains
Place URL
Latitude 48.5350
Longitude 25.0345
GPS coordinates Exact
International name of the place Kolomyya

General information

Total numbers of rooms 5
Languages Russian, Ukrainian
Facilities Meals on request, Restaurant, Cafe/Bar, TV, Bath or shower, Banquet Facilities, Tour Desk
Twin room (2 beds) 23,00 USD
Rates are listed as a guide. To confirm rates, contact the owners


Views per day (average): 4.27
Current rating (after votes) Grade

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