Hotel «Saksagan», Kryvyi Rih. Hotel «Saksagan» in Kryvyi Rih. Hotel «Saksagan» on the map of Kryvyi Rih. Photo, map, prices.
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Hotel "Saksagan"

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Hotel "Saksagan"

The first in Kryvyi Rih 4-star hotel (certificate) will attract those people to whom perfect cleanness, quietness, fresh air, diversified cuisine, stylish well-designed interior and respectable communication are of great value. Special feeling and moderate luxury are represented in each room of the hotel «Saksagan».

Our hotel complex is located away from multistory buildings and noisy streets of Kryvyi Rih in the private park area 9 km far from the city centre in protected territory.

The territory of the complex borders on the rarest historical and geographical place, Dubova Balka (Oak Gully), formed 11,000 years ago. We associated ourselves with revival of this historical relic, forming park area of our complex by planting and growing oak spears.

Hotel «Saksagan» (Kryvyi Rih) is a wonderful park, exotic winter garden, spacious and light rooms of different types ranging from Standard ones to Suites and Apartments for the most comfort exacting guests, gastronomical restaurant for gourmets, sports and fitness centre, supermodern business centre with conference halls and meeting rooms.

Staying at our hotel you will have a good rest, and therefore will be perfectly ready to deal with any, both business and personal, matters.

Enjoy the top level comfort. Surround yourself with warmth and coziness which you dream of.

Hotel «Saksagan» is your best choice.

Hotels of Kryvyi Rih are always open for you!


Type Hotel
Prices from 50,00 USD


Street Дишинського / Dyshynskogo
Building 11
Zip code 50012
Landline +38-0564-66-29-01
Landline +38-0564-66-01-62
Mobile +38-067-560-18-83


Details City
Place URL
Latitude 47.9820
Longitude 33.4257
GPS coordinates Exact
International name of the place Kryvyi Rih
Languages English, Russian, Ukrainian
Facilities Restaurant, Cafe/Bar, Swimming pool, Sauna, Conference Room(s), Gymnasium, Air Conditioned, TV, Bath or shower, Complimentary toiletries, Mini Bar

Room prices from

Single room 50,00 USD
Twin room (2 beds) 75,00 USD
Suite 94,00 USD
Rates are listed as a guide. To confirm rates, contact the owners

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Views per day (average): 5.14
Current rating (after 1 votes) Grade

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